About Past Issues Editorial Board


Research Webzine of the KAIST College of Engineering since 2014

Spring 2024 Vol. 22

Introducing KAIST Breakthroughs: Making University Research Accessible

For nearly a decade, KAIST Breakthroughs has been dedicated to bringing the latest advancements in science and technology to the general public. Our focus is on research breakthroughs in engineering, computing, electronics, health, sustainability, and design, all pioneered by the esteemed KAIST College of Engineering.

Established on February 16, 1971, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) was created with the purpose of producing highly skilled scientists and engineers to support the growth of Korean industries. KAIST emerged as a new type of science- and engineering-focused undergraduate and graduate program.

We strongly believe in the power of knowledge and the importance of freely sharing information to empower informed, enlightened, and engaged communities. Our mission is to provide independent and unbiased coverage of scientific advancements while equipping individuals with the tools to evaluate news and understand the world around them. Our platform, KAIST Breakthroughs, serves as the medium through which we connect with our audience, making science accessible to everyone.

In pursuit of our commitment to serving the public interest, we adhere to widely recognized publication standards, as followed by leading publication organizations. This includes maintaining honesty and transparency in our work and interactions with sources and readers.

We strive to ensure the accuracy of all the information we present in our articles. If an error is discovered or brought to our attention, we promptly correct it and provide an explanation of the changes made. If you come across any errors in our website's content, please reach out to us via email: cej9@kaist.ac.kr.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Min H. Kim

Editor in Chief
KAIST Breakthroughs